Historical Snowmobile Images
Earliest known picture of Model T converted for Winter use.jpg (66127 bytes)

Fred Waters in a Ford Model T. This is the earliest known photograph of a Ford Model T converted for winter use and was taken in 1910


From John Colbourne a photo of 1928-29 Model A Tudor taken in the 1950's. "My father delivered the mail and groceries out to the miners that stayed on their claims in the winter in Dawson City Yukon. It has not been driven for about 20 years! "

snowbanksmfr2.jpg (20498 bytes)

Ford Model T Snowmobile Roadster  - Period Photo - Location Unknown

circa1912BrassRadiatorT289229.jpg (33447 bytes)

circa 1912 Ford Model T Snowmobile - Period Photo - Location Unknown

snowmobilecoupewshovel334675.jpg (37606 bytes)

Ford Model T Coupe Snowmobile - Have Shovel Will Travel

explorer Donald B MacMillan northerb labrador newfoundland 1927.jpg (48209 bytes)

Explorer Donald B MacMillan 1927 Northern Labrador & Newfoundland

Donald B MacMillan Snowmobile being loaded on the Schooner Bodwoin in Mainesm.jpg (33422 bytes)

MacMillan's Snowmobile in Maine being loaded on the Schooner Bodwoin

28chev 28 model a fd rdst pu  3031 a sedan2.jpg (34724 bytes)

1928 Chevrolet Coupe - Model A Roadster - Model A Sedan

front fender touring5427372 (1).jpg (38880 bytes)

Touring Car Snowmobile

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Touring Car Snowmobile

CokatoSnowmobilehistorical.jpg (74270 bytes)

Cokato, MN

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Country Ford Garage

LancasterMA.jpg (133342 bytes)

Model T Ford Coupe - Lancaster Massachusetts

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Kingsfield Maine

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Kingsfield Maine

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Milwaukee Journal Snow Flyer

c1912Hupmobilesnow411980.jpg (92560 bytes)

circa 1912 Hupmobile converted for Snow Travel

Model T Ford  Snow.jpg (91031 bytes)

Model T Roadster with Skis and Splasb Boards

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Model T Ford Roadster Ossipee Snowmobile

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Model T Town Car with Snowmobile Attachment

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One of Virgil White's early prototypes on a Buick

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Model T Dealer's winter delivery system

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Doctor on his rounds in New Hampshire

Model T Ford - Warner, NH.jpg (97475 bytes)

Model T Ford - Modified for Snow Travel - Warner, NH

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Narrow Track Snowmobile - Chase Ford Garage - Warner, NH

1926Mailmansspecial.jpg (84478 bytes)

Farm Specialty Manufacturing - Mailman's Special ca. 1926

circa1918.jpg (101287 bytes)

ca. 1918 Ford Model T - Tank Tracks - C Martin - Springfield, MA

Historical6.jpg (20374 bytes)

US Mail Delivery Vehicle

Eskimobile1925AlmenaWI.jpg (76802 bytes)


Stilt7.jpg (81856 bytes)


Historical Snowmobile Information Wanted

One of the goals of the Model T Ford Snowmobile Club is to preserve the history of the Model T Ford Snowmobile, including the other makers; Snow Flyer, Snow Bird, Arps, and the Eskimobile Companies.

The use of any information you might have would be greatly appreciated. Period pictures, literature, and advertisements are especially wanted - these will allow us to continue to document some of the original uses of the snowmobile. Any documents you might loan us will be returned promptly.

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide. Please send information to John F. Burns, 300 Groton Road, Westford, MA 01886 or email to: modeltfordsnowmobile@yahoo.com